Welcome to Occupational Therapy!

This site is a great way to provide parents and caregivers with information regarding OT services in the school setting.
What is Occupational Therapy? 
Occupational therapy is a profession that helps people across the lifespan do the things they need to do through therapeutic use of daily activities (occupations).  
- Occupational therapists  (OT's) promote independence for people of all ages to live, promote health and prevent or live better with injury illness or a disability. 
What is an OT's role in the school? 
- OT's support a student's ability to participate in desired school activities or "occupations". We help students fulfill their occupation or role as a student. 
- We support students for them to achieve optimal participation and engagement in academics.  Academic and non academic outcomes include, social skills, math, reading writing, behavior management, recess, participation in sports, and self help skills. 
- Having expertise in activity and environmental analysis, we sometimes modify the environments within the school to achieve necessary supports needed by students.  Focusing on student strengths, we design and implement programs to improve opportunities for inclusion and accessibility such as Universal Design for Learning. 
- The goal of OT services is to assist the student in being able to access their academic curriculum and physical school environment.  Thus increasing their independence , participation and well being as they fulfill their roles or occupation as students. 
-  We play a critical role in educating educators, administrators, support staff and parents. Together we make a great team!