Beth Frantz » Remote Learning

Remote Learning

Kindergarten - Boy and Bot


Don’t you wish you had your own robot at home? I know I do! Create your own robot after you read this story about a boy and his robot. 



  • Then create your own robot. You can use any materials you have at home. For example, boxes, paper towel rolls, legos, play doh, or any materials you can think of.


  • Be sure to give your robot a name and tell what special powers your robot has! Have fun creating! 




Grade 1 - Billy Goats Gruff

Engaging in the Engineering Design Process by building a boat/raft for the 3 billy goats

1  -  Listen to the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff

2 - The Three Billy Goats Gruff need you to plan/design a raft to help them cross the stream! Use what you know about building to design a raft that has the following requirements: (please draw on a piece of paper and label it) 

- it has to float 

- it has to hold the 3 billy goats (3 erasers, 3 coins, or 3 of any other small objects you have at home)

- measures 3 inches by 4 inches (at least)

You can use any of the following materials: plastic cups, string, popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, straws, tape, Legos, or anything else you can think of. Next week you can build it! 


Grade 2

Read the story The Time Capsule


  • time capsule is a container that is filled with present day things, such as newspapers, photos, letters etc., that is then hidden away in a closet or buried in your garden, for a time, and then opened by your future self, or someone of your choosing.
  • Have fun making your own time capsule. Click on The Time Capsule below.

Kindergarten - A House for Hermit Crab

Review Vocabulary words from packet  

Discussion Questions 

  • My favorite part of the story.
  • Where does the story take place?
  • What was the book about? (5 finger retell)
  • Did you like the book Why? why not?


Activity: Draw or Create a new house for your Hermit Crab! See Attachment packet. Have fun Decorating a New house for the Hermit Crab.



Grade 1 & 2: Playground Design 

  • Talk about different types of playgrounds. What is your favorite thing to do at a playground? (swings, slide, monkey bars?)
  • We will be reading a story about a girl who noticed a problem in her neighborhood:  They did not have a playground.
  • While listening they should be paying close attention to how the character uses the EDP (design process by inquiring, researching, planning, building, and testing designs) throughout the story.
  • Read "My Dream Playground"   


Discussion Questions 

  • What was the book about?
  • What was your favorite part?
  • Where did the story take place? 


Activity: You can build or draw a model playground using recycled materials, Legos, or anything else you can think of! 

  • What materials was the most useful part of your design? Why?
  • What was the most difficult part of the challenge? Why?


Please read the story “Knock, Knock! Who’s There?” By Tad Hills

Who’s there?
Woo who?
Glad you’re excited, too! 

Make a joke book. Take a small piece of paper and fold it in half. Write the joke on one side and the punchline on the back. Staple the pages together to create a book. 




Roller Coaster Read Aloud and Paper Coaster design  GRADES 1 &  2 

Learning Goal: 

Design a roller coaster using paper sculpture techniques and other materials.


Anticipatory Set

Have you ever been on a roller coaster? What was it like? If you’ve never been on one, what do you think it would be like?


Introduce the book Roller Coaster by Marla Frazee   

View and discuss:



Discussion Questions 

1.How do you think the girl feels at the beginning of the story?

2.How does the girl’s feelings change throughout the story?

3.How can you tell that the girl felt reluctant (Not Sure) about going on the roller coaster?


Dear Student Engineers, 

  • •A theme park wants you to build a new rollercoaster, and they need your help to design it! 
  • •While roller coaster illustrations are 2-dimensional (flat), we’re going to be making 3-dimensional roller coasters. To do this, we’re going to use materials that you can easily find at home.
  • • You can create a roller coaster using paper sculpture techniques and various paper lengths. You can also use anything else you can think of. Anything goes! Blocks, Legos, newspaper, construction paper, paper rolls, pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks, straws, clothes pins, sticks, cotton balls. 
  • •What happens first, then next on a roller coaster (goes up hill slowly, gains speed on the way down hill).  Remind students that it is not until after the drop that the loops or hills can appear.
  • • Plan and begin creating your rollercoaster. Have Fun! 
Remote Learning 6/1 - 6/5


Please read the story “Dinner at the Panda Palace!”

If you could invite any book character to eat dinner with you who would you choose? Write a paragraph that explains who you would invite and why. Then make an invitation for that person. 



Grades 1 & 2 

Summer STEAM - DESIGN A SUMMER SHELTER / Summer Shelter Design Challenge


Pete the Cat: Pete at the Beach by James Dean

- Start to get children to think:  Summertime heat. Do you like the heat of the summer?  How do you keep cool?

- Listen to a story about Pete the Cat at the beach.

- Discuss how Pete was so hot and start to get students to think about some ways he could have tried to keep cool. Let's brainstorm a list of ways that someone can keep cool on a hot day.

- Draw attention to the parts where Pete was very hot and trying to find a way to cool off without going into the ocean.

- Discuss places to take cover from the sun.

- Draw/design/ or build a shelter for the beach. design challenge:  Create a Summer Shelter.

- Engineering Design Process (EDP):  Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create.

  • Discuss some of the parts of these shelters that help them to be stable & to accomplish the task of creating shade. Add some labels to the pictures as well.
  • (ASK) Set up scenario:  Pete is at the beach.  The sun is shining down on him and he is getting way too hot. He even forgot his sunscreen and he doesn't want to get a sunburn! Create something that can protect Pete from the rays of the sun.

Your shelter must be able to stand on its own. “Pete” must be able to fit under it. It must shade "Pete" from the "sun."

(IMAGINE) SW brainstorm multiple ideas for shelters, (PLAN) SW draw & label a diagram of the shelter. (CREATE) use any materials that you want.

Did you meet the criteria? Is your shelter able to stand on its own? Does it shade "Pete" from the "sun?" 

  • You can also do some of the extra sheets I have posted. Have fun!!


Please read the story When a Dragon Moves In


Look at the I Spy beach picture below and see if you can find all of the hidden beach items. 

Draw a picture of your favorite thing to do at the beach! 



Grades 1 & 2

This week is a beach theme! Listen to the story When A Dragon Moves In


Discuss or have a “Book Talk” with an adult by talking about the following questions:

Describe the setting including where and when the story takes place.

Make a connection to one of the characters in the story. Did something similar happen to you? How did you feel about it?

What was your favorite part of the story and why?

Tell why you liked or disliked the book. Give examples from the book.

Activity: Draw a beach picture with a sandcastle and send it to [email protected]. I would also love to see a photograph of you on the beach! The beach is my happy place!



Optional Stem Challenge using the Engineering Design Process:

Ask: Can you create a castle for a dragon?

Brainstorm ideas and materials (Ideas for materials: blocks, sand, paper scraps, marshmallows, toilet paper rolls, Legos, tinfoil, paper cups)

Plan: Draw and label your plan on a plan piece of paper

Create: Test and build your design

Improve: Did you need to make any changes?

Be creative and use the materials that are easy to find at home. Have fun!