Cutting activities

Cutting Tips

  • Bold the outline with a highlighter or marker to make the line to cut thicker. 
  • Hold scissors and paper with thumbs on toward ceiling - "Thumbs up”.  Cut UPWARDS away from the body
  • Progression of cutting :  first straight lines, curved lines, zig zag lines, then basic shapes, last complex shapes.
  • Use hand-over-hand assistance as needed.


Gluing Tips

  • When gluing, put the glue on the object or small piece of paper being glued and NOT the large paper.
  • Make a mark or draw a line as a visual of where the glue should go.
  • Try glue sticks for children with decreased strength. Gradually introduce glue bottle as strength improves. Turning the glue bottle top to add more resistance for glue to pour will build finger strength.